Postgraduate - Applying Documents
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碩士班 Master
文件名稱 Document | 表格/連結 (Form/link) | 備註Note |
碩士班新生面談Student Find the Advisor Interview Form | odf/word/pdf | 每位老師2年限收6名學生Each advisor have 6 students in 2 years→教師研究簡介海報 |
更換組別、指導教授申請表Student Replace Adviser or Group | 更換指導教授(Replace adviser)odf/word/pdf | 組別更換需要入學後1年才可提出申請Applicable by students one year after enrollment |
臺灣學術倫理教育NTNU Research Ethics Education Courses | https://ethics.moe.edu.tw/ | 入學第一學期1月31日前完成線上課程Complete the online course before Jan.31 on first semester帳號(Account):學號(Student ID)密碼(Password):學號後五碼(The last 5 digits of your student ID) |
逕讀博士班申請Applied for Direct Admission to Ph.D. Program | odf /word/pdf | 每年3月及10月底前提出申請Before the end of Mar. or Oct. each year |
碩士班論文計畫書Thesis Proposal | odf/word/pdf | 畢業前一個學期提出最晚為每年的1月31或7月31日(Submitted one semester before graduation ) Jan. 31 or Jul. 31 at the latest each years |
公開論文發表認證書Conference Presentation | odf/word/pdf | 參加過一次研討會議Participated a seminar |
學位考試申請書Application for Degree Examination | 線上作業Link | (每年11月15日及4月15日)遇假日延後至下一個上班日,操作流程說明連結Nov. 15th or Apr. 15th each year |
學位考試申請附件:檢核項目佐證資料Apply Degree Examination Added Document | odf/word/pdf | 佐證資料檔案Attach files |
碩博士學位論文比對系統A Copy of Turnitin Originality Report | https://www.turnitin.com/login_page.asp?lang=zh_tw | Turnitin上傳檔案格式規定Turnitin upload format regulations操作流程說明。How to use ? |
畢業論文格式Thesis Format | 畢業離校SOP Graduation process SOP特殊時間離校說明 Special time leaving school instructions | |
學校畢業網站連結NTNU Graduation Website Link | 連結 Link | 連結以學校教務處註冊組網站為主The link is mainly the website of the school academic affairs office |
畢業第一階段口試學校公布為準(約1月31日及7月31日)修教育學程及不畢業的同學到此階段結束The First Stage of graduation oral exam (Around Jan. 31 or Jul. 31) | 口試前:填寫後寄給系辦列印Submit the above 2 files within one week before the oral test send to me and Mr. Huang (3 files if there is a driving agent)1.口委聘函 Letter of appointment (word)2.口試資料表 Examination information form (word)3.口委停車申請 Commission parking application (word)註:請於寄信後3天來系辦領取聘函、口試領據Note: Remember to get the appointment letter and examination fee document from the department office口試時填寫/口試後繳回:Documents should be prepared during the oral exam1.通過簽名表 Dissertation approval sheet (word)2.口試成績及記錄 Exam score record(word)3.評分表 Scoring form (word)4.口試費用簽名單據繳回 Signed receipt of oral examination fee | |
畢業第二階段離校學校公布為準(約2月中及8月中)Leaving school stage of graduation (Around mid-Feb. or mid-Aug.) | 領取畢業證書順序:After graduation exam to leave school
Ph.D. front cover need using hardcover paper (red)碩:112年平裝論文封面顏色(淺灰)Master’s front cover using generally paper(grey) |
博士班 Ph.D.
文件名稱 Document | 表格/連結 (Form/link) | 備註Note |
更換組別、指導教授申請表Student Replace Adviser or Group | 更換指導教授(Replace adviser)odf/word/pdf | 組別更換需要入學後1年才可提出申請Applicable by students one year after enrollment |
臺灣學術倫理教育NTNU Research Ethics Education Courses | https://ethics.moe.edu.tw/ | 入學第一學期1月31日前完成線上課程Complete the online course before Jan.31 on first semester帳號(Account):學號(Student ID)密碼(Password):學號後五碼(The last 5 digits of your student ID) |
課程指導委員推薦表Curriculum Committee Recommend Form | odf/word/pdf | (每年1月31日)遇假日延後至下一個上班日Jan. 31 every year |
修業計畫審查表Study Program Form | odf/word/pdf | (每年1月31日)遇假日延後至下一個上班日Jan. 31 every year |
資格考申請書Qualifying Examination Form | odf/word/pdf | (每年10月31日及3月31日)遇假日延後至下一個上班日Oct. 31 or Mar. 31 each year |
資格考補考申請書Make-up Exam Qualifying Examination Form | odf/word/pdf | (每年10月31日及3月31日)遇假日延後至下一個上班日Oct. 31 or Mar. 31 each year |
論文指導委員推薦表Thesis Proposal Examination Committee | odf/word/pdf | 畢業口試申請前半年Before application for degree exmination helf year |
論文進度報告紀錄Thesis Proposal Oral Record Sheet | odf/word/pdf | 畢業口試申請前半年Before application for degree exmination half year口頭報告流程 Process校內停車申請 Parking application form |
公開論文發表認證Conference Presentation | odf/word/pdf | 參加過一次研討會議Participated a seminar |
學位考試申請書Application for Degree Examination | 線上作業Link | (每年11月15日及4月15日)遇假日延後至下一個上班日,操作流程說明連結Nov. 15th or Apr. 15th each year |
學位考試申請附件:檢核項目佐證資料Apply Degree Examination Added Document | odf/word/pdf | 佐證資料檔案Attach files |
碩博士學位論文比對系統A Copy of Turnitin Originality Report | turnhttps://www.turnitin.com/login_page.asp?lang=zh_twitin | Turnitin上傳檔案格式規定Turnitin upload format regulations操做說明。How to use? |
畢業論文格式Thesis Format | 畢業離校SOP Graduation process SOP特殊時間離校說明 Special time leaving school instructions | |
學校畢業網站連結NTNU Graduation Website Link | 連結Link | 連結以學校教務處註冊組網站為主The link is mainly the website of the school academic affairs office |
畢業第一階段口試學校公布為準(約1月31日及7月31日)修教育學程及不畢業的同學到此階段結束The First Stage of graduation oral exam (Around Jan. 31 or Jul. 31) | 口試前:填寫後寄給系辦列印Submit the above 2 files within one week before the oral test send to me and Mr. Huang (3 files if there is a driving agent)1.口委聘函 Letter of appointment (word)2.口試資料表 Examination information form (word)3.口委停車申請 Commission parking application (word)註:請於寄信後3天來系辦領取聘函、口試領據Note: Remember to get the appointment letter and examination fee document from the department office口試時填寫/口試後繳回:Documents should be prepared during the oral exam1.通過簽名表 Dissertation approval sheet (word)2.口試成績及記錄 Exam score record(word)3.評分表 Scoring form (word)4.口試費用簽名單據繳回 Signed receipt of oral examination fee | |
畢業第二階段離校學校公布為準(約2月中及8月中)Leaving School stage of graduation (Around mid-Feb. or mid-Aug.) | 領取畢業證書順序:After graduation exam to leave school
Ph.D. front cover need using hardcover paper (red)碩:111年平裝論文封面顏色(淺灰色)Master’s front cover using generally paper(grey) |
This is an Alert
by 龍京
- 中文警示
- 建議使用電腦 / 平板等橫向方式進行瀏覽,以避免發生跑版。
- 下列表格有ODF檔案格式者,建議下載後轉存為WORD檔以避免格式錯誤。
- English Warning
- In order to prevent errors, please use PC or Tablet for browsing this page.
- Forms in ODF format are suggested to save as MS word (doc., docx.) after downloaded.