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「生物學報」為愛好生命科學者之發表園地,刊登有關生物科學各種未曾發表過的學 術論文,歡迎大家投稿。為便於處理來稿,訂定投稿簡則如下:
1.來稿中英文撰寫均歡迎,稿件請作者自行電腦打字,並寄原稿、影印稿各乙份。審查通過後請附上磁碟片(存檔時,請存 “Microsoft Word 檔”)乙張。
2.來稿首頁應包含:題目、眉題(Running head)、作者姓名、服務單位、通信作者及詳細地址(含傳真及電子郵件)。文稿內容應包含:摘要、關鍵詞、緒言、材料與方法、結果、討論、誌謝、參考文獻;中文稿件請附英文摘要,英文稿件請附中文摘要。稿件行距應設定為二,並加註行號與頁碼。
5.正文內文獻引用請用作者的姓及年代。格式如:(Abbott et al., 1992)、(Lu and Hsu, 2002)。
(1) 期刊:
Abbott MA, Buenos R, Pedrini MT, Murray JM and Smith RJ. 1992. Insulin-like growth factor I receptor gene structure. J. Biol. Chem. 267:10759-10763.
Lu CC and Hsu YF. 2002. Catopyrops ancyra almora, a lycaenid butterfly new to Taiwan: a case of biological invasion from the Philippines. BioFormosa 37:25-30.
(2) 書:
Lee TF. 1991. The Human Genome Project: Cracking the Genetic Code of Life. Plenum, New York.
Sherman F, Fink GR and Hicks JB. 1986. Transformation of lithium-treated yeast cells.
In Sherman F, Fink GR and Hicks JB (eds), Methods in Yeast Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pp. 121-122.

Information for Contributors

BioFormosa (ISSN:1684-0925) is published annually by the Life Sciences department of the National Taiwan Normal University and includes new, original and interesting papers on all aspects of biology. Both research papers and short articles on current topics in biological science will be considered for publication, provided that they have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere.

Manuscripts can be written in English or Chinese. Research papers should be divided into Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References. Short articles should include Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Results and Discussion but no more than ten References. Manuscripts written in English should include a Chinese abstract. Likewise, Chinese manuscripts should attach an abstract in English. Keywords and a running head of no more than 50 letters should be included in English.

All illustrations and tables should be clearly drawn and submitted in a form which will be clear once published. Each illustration should have a concise and descriptive caption on a separate sheet.

References should be listed in alphabetical order under the last name of the first author, and include all authors, year of publication, complete title of the paper, abbreviated title of the journal, volume number and first and last page numbers. They should adopt the following formats:

Abbott MA, Buenos R, Pedrini MT, Murray JM and Smith RJ. 1992. Insulin-like growth factor I receptor gene structure. J. Biol. Chem. 267:10759-10763.

Lu CC and Hsu YF. 2002. Catopyrops ancyra almora, a lycaenid butterfly new to Taiwan: a case of biological invasion from the Philippines. BioFormosa 37:25-30.

References to books should also include the number of edition, and name and location of the publisher.

Lee TF. 1991. The Human Genome Project: Cracking the Genetic Code of Life. Plenum, New York.

Sherman F, Fink GR and Hicks JB. 1986. Transformation of lithium-treated yeast cells. In Sherman F, Fink GR and Hicks JB (eds), Methods in Yeast Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pp. 121-122.

Two printed copies of manuscripts submitted for publication are requested for peer review. Manuscripts must be typewritten with double spacing and line numbers. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, a Microsoft Word file will be requested for the journal production. Papers should be submitted directly to the Editor, BioFormosa, Department of Life Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan, ROC.

By submitting a manuscript the authors confirm that copyright will be transferred to The Department of Life Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University effective upon acceptance for publication in BioFormosa. Authors, however, retain the following rights: (1) The right to use, free of charge, all or part of the article in future works of their own, such as books and lectures. (2) The right to reproduce the article for their own purposes.