本院生科系75級系友洪瓊玉教授,目前任職美國德州大學聖安東尼奧分校分子微生物學與免疫學系,洪教授研究室將提供博士生與博士後到她的研究室學習與工作機會,歡迎有興趣的同學或是有意願合作的師長們與洪教授聯繫 (Dr. Chiung-Yu Hung, ChiungYu.Hung@utsa.edu),詳情亦可洽詢本院李冠群老師。
I provides stability to support Ph.D. students. There is no official collaboration between my university and NTNU. One possibility to start is to hire your PH.D. students in my laboratory as research scientists (J1 or H1 visa) while they can continue their education. San Antonio, Texas living cost is very affordable. Most importantly, the students can have research experience in drug and vaccine development using the state-of-the-art facilities. My university, UTSA attains prestigious Carnegie R1 research institution status this year. It is a growing university. Now, virtual meetings are very convenient. Students can attend classes and meetings anywhere in the world to make this type of collaboration possible.